【同义词辨析】 2020-06-28 潜在latent-abeyant

latent: applies to a concealed power or quality that is not yet in sight or action but may emerge and develop in the future: a ~ sadism that emerged during the war.     emerge出现,通常指明显出现          latent disease/talent/meaning/period潜伏性疾病/潜在天赋/隐藏含义/疾病潜伏期      

dormant: suggests the inactivity of something, such as a feeling or power, as thought it were sleeping and capable of renewed activity: a ~ passion existed between them.     (如dormant volcano休眠的火山,如during dormancy the plants must be kept very dry在休眠期,植物必须保持非常干燥,如dormant love/love in dormancy爱的休眠期,如本例潜藏(休眠)的热情a dormant passion)

quiescent: suggests a usually temporary cessation of activity: political tensions were ~ for the moment.

potential: apples to what does not yet have existence, nature, or effect but has the capacity for having it and is likely soon to do so: a toxic waste dump that is a ~ disaster.    词根POT表示able能力,这个词作名词表示潜能潜力,本例potential disaster潜在的灾难,暗示很可能发生   impotent无力的  

abeyant: applies to what is for the time being held off or suppressed: an ~ distrust of the neighbors.    (for the time being眼下暂时for the present; until some other arrangement is made, 如she's staying with her aunt for the time being暂时住在她姨妈那里)            (hold off拖延to delay,如he held off for half an hour because of the rain因为下雨, 他晚了半个小时才动身,如they're holding off their decision because of changing conditions由于情况变化, 他们迟迟不作决定)        又如the matter was left in abeyance问题被暂时搁置,如the plan was held in abeyance计划被暂缓

latent潜在: 指能力属性等被隐藏,但未来可能显现发展,dormant休眠潜在: 表示当前不活动,仿佛在休眠,可能唤醒,quiescent暂停静止: 表示暂时停歇,potential潜能: 指尚不存在但可能很快实现,abeyant暂缓搁置: 指眼下暂且拖延压制

记忆方法: 1)首字母LDQPA想成解放军PLA启动QD<==潜在

         2)潜在的意思是当前没有存在活动的迹象mean not now manifest or showing signs of activity or existence.